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Updating local environment

The following commands will update your local farmOS development environment.

This approach avoids running composer commands because that is already done when the Docker image is built.

Warning: This will replace everything except the profiles and sites directories. If you are developing farmOS core, this will ensure that your farmOS Git repository (inside profiles/farm) will not be touched. If you are developing a custom module, make sure that it is in sites/all/modules, otherwise it will be deleted.

PHPStorm: If you are using PHPStorm, you will also want to make sure the .idea folder is not destroyed during this process. If it is in the www directory, be sure to move that out before running rm -r www below, and restore it afterwards. It is recommended that you close PHPStorm during this process to avoid any project settings corruption.

# Run these commands from the local directory that contains docker-compose.yml.
# The Docker containers should be running.

# Backup www volume, just in case.
sudo tar -czf www.tar.gz www

# Pull latest 2.x-dev Docker image.
docker pull farmos/farmos:2.x-dev

# Move directories.
mv www/web/profiles ./profiles
mv www/web/sites ./sites

# Update codebase.
docker-compose down
rm -r www
docker-compose up -d

# Restore directories.
sudo rm -rf www/web/profiles www/web/sites
mv ./profiles www/web/profiles
mv ./sites www/web/sites

# Update farmOS profile.
cd www/web/profiles/farm
git checkout 2.x && git pull origin 2.x

# Run Drupal database updates.
docker-compose exec -u www-data www drush updb