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Entity types

Assets, logs, plans, taxonomy terms, users, etc are all types of "entities" in farmOS/Drupal terminology. Entities can have sub-types called "bundles", which represent "bundles of fields". Some fields may be common across all bundles of a given entity type, and some fields may be bundle-specific.

Adding asset, log, and plan types

Asset types, log types, and plan types can be provided by adding two files to a module:

  1. An entity type config file (YAML), and:
  2. A bundle plugin class (PHP).

For example, the "Activity" log type is provided as follows:


langcode: en
status: true
      - farm_activity
id: activity
label: Activity
description: ''
name_pattern: 'Activity log [log:id]'
workflow: log_default
new_revision: true



namespace Drupal\farm_activity\Plugin\Log\LogType;

use Drupal\farm_entity\Plugin\Log\LogType\FarmLogType;

 * Provides the activity log type.
 * @LogType(
 *   id = "activity",
 *   label = @Translation("Activity"),
 * )
class Activity extends FarmLogType {


Bundle fields

Bundles can declare field definitions in their plugin class via the buildFieldDefinitions() method.

A farm_field.factory helper service is provided to make this easier.

The Equipment asset type does this to add "Manufacturer", "Model", and "Serial number" fields:

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildFieldDefinitions() {
    $fields = parent::buildFieldDefinitions();
    $field_info = [
      'manufacturer' => [
        'type' => 'string',
        'label' => $this->t('Manufacturer'),
        'weight' => [
          'form' => -20,
          'view' => -50,
      'model' => [
        'type' => 'string',
        'label' => $this->t('Model'),
        'weight' => [
          'form' => -15,
          'view' => -40,
      'serial_number' => [
        'type' => 'string',
        'label' => $this->t('Serial number'),
        'weight' => [
          'form' => -10,
          'view' => -30,
    foreach ($field_info as $name => $info) {
      $fields[$name] = \Drupal::service('farm_field.factory')->bundleFieldDefinition($info);
    return $fields;

For more information, see Adding fields.