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Roles are groups of permissions that can be assigned to users to grant them granular access to data and features in farmOS.

Module developers can define new roles, and specify which permissions they should include. farmOS also builds on top of Drupal's role and permission system to provide a concept of "Managed Roles".

Managed Roles

The farmOS Access module provides methods to create user roles with permissions that are managed for the purposes of farmOS. These roles cannot be modified from the Admin Permissions UI. Instead, these roles allow permissions to be provided by other modules that want to provide sensible defaults for common farmOS roles.

Creating a managed role

User roles are provided as Drupal Configuration Entities. Managed roles are provided in the same way the only difference being that they include additional third party settings the farmOS Access module uses to build managed permissions. The user.role.*.third_party.farm_acccess schema defines the structure of these settings.

  • access: An optional array of default access permissions.
    • config: Boolean that specifies whether the role should have access to configuration. Only grant this to trusted roles.
    • entity: Access permissions relating to entities.
      • view all: Boolean that specifies the role should have access to view all bundles of all entity types.
      • create all: Boolean that specifies the role should have access to create all bundles of all entity types.
      • update all: Boolean that specifies the role should have access to update all bundles of all entity types.
      • delete all: Boolean that specifies the role should have access to delete all bundles of all entity types.
      • type: Access permissions for specific entity types.
        • {entity_type}: The id of the entity type. eg: log,asset, taxonomy_term, etc.
          • {operation}: The operation to grant bundles of this entity type. Eg: create, view any, view own, delete any, delete own, etc.
            • {bundle}: The id of the entity type bundle or all to grant the operation permission to all bundles of the entity type.

Settings used for the Manager role (full access to all entities + access to configuration):


# (standard role config goes here)
      config: true
        view all: true
        create all: true
        update all: true
        delete all: true

Example settings to define a "Harvester" role with these limitations:

  • View all log entities.
  • Only create harvest logs, update harvest logs, and delete own harvest logs.
  • View all asset entities.
  • Only update planting assets.
  • View, edit and delete any taxonomy_term entity.


# (standard role config goes here)
        view all: true
              - harvest
            update any:
              - harvest
            delete own:
              - harvest
            update any:
              - planting
              - all
              - all

Providing permissions for managed roles

Modules can define sensible permissions to any managed roles. These permissions are provided by creating a ManagedRolePermissions plugin in the module.managed_role_permissions.yml file. The following keys can be provided:

  • default_permissions: A list of permissions that will be added to all managed roles.
  • config_permissions: A list of permissions that will be added to managed roles that have access to configuration (config: true).
  • permission_callbacks: A list of callbacks in controller notation that return an array of permissions to add to managed roles. Callbacks are provided a Role object so that permissions can be applied conditionally based on the managed role's settings.

As an example, the farm_role module provides the following permissions:


    - access content
    - access administration pages
    - access user profiles
    - access taxonomy overview
    - administer taxonomy

Permission callbacks

Example that adds permissions conditionally based on the role name and settings:

Plugin definition:


    - Drupal\my_module\CustomPermissions::permissions

Example implementation of a permission_callback:



namespace Drupal\my_module;

use Drupal\user\RoleInterface;

 * Example custom permission callback.
class CustomPermissions {

   * Return an array of permission strings that will be added to the role.
   * @param \Drupal\user\RoleInterface $role
   *   The role to add permissions to.
   * @return array
   *   An array of permission strings.
  public function permissions(RoleInterface $role) {

    // Array of permissions to return.
    $perms = [];

    // Add permissions based on role name.
    if ($role->id() == 'farm_manager') {
      $perms = 'my manager permission';

    // Get the farm_role third party settings from the Role entity.
    $access_settings = $role->getThirdPartySetting('farm_role', 'access');
    $entity_settings = $access_settings['entity'] ?: [];

    // Only add permissions if `update all` and `delete all` are true.
    if (!empty($entity_settings['update all'] && $entity_settings['delete all'])) {
      $perms[] = 'recover all permission';

    // Return array of permissions.
    return $perms;